Can You Teach Yourself Wood Turning?

Can you teach yourself wood turning

Woodturning is a craft, so learning to do it on your own may be challenging. However, with the right resources and instruction, you can learn woodturning by yourself.

Within the last decade, the art of woodturning has grown in popularity. Woodturners are artists with an appreciation for craftsmanship and the enjoyment of creating complex shapes out of wood. Surprisingly, this craft is not traditionally taught in school, so many people learn through trial and error or by taking courses online or at specialty shops.

Woodturning is surprisingly simple to learn, but it does require some basic tools and knowledge to get started.

Can You Teach Yourself Wood Turning?

When it comes to hobbies, woodturning can be an interesting one. Woodturning is the process of making wooden objects on a rotating lathe. It typically incorporates carving and shaping the raw material with sharp cutting tools.

However, like many crafts, there are certain tools and techniques that can be learned through classes or by devoting time to research. But don’t worry; it’s not that difficult to learn what you need to know without professional help!

Where to learn

Attempting to teach yourself woodturning seems like the best way to get into this hobby. In this day and age, you can learn almost anything online.

You can find tutorials anywhere online and there are even free videos on Youtube! You might want to focus on online classes too. They are quite cheap and easy to follow.

Another great option is buying books. You can learn everything you need from books and they are also quite cheap.

Also Read: Top 4 Woodturning Books for Beginners!

Woodturners aren’t born knowing how to make perfect shapes; they spend years refining their techniques in a variety of settings.

Materials and equipment

Woodturning can be an easy hobby to learn on your own, but it’s important to know what materials and equipment you will need before you get started.

Most woodworking tools are expensive and require some skill and experience before you can do any high-quality work.

Here is a list of tools you will need:

Wood lathe

wood lathe

This is the most important tool that will allow you to spin a piece of wood and then using chisels you will shape it. For a beginner, you can use a cheaper wood lathe but don’t go for the cheapest because it will not last you for a long time. If you want to turn smaller objects you can go with a mini lathe.

Also Read: Best Wood Lathes for Beginners!

Turning chisel

Chisels (also called gouges) come in different sizes with several points and edges designed to create specific effects. Use a general-purpose turning tool kit to start out with.

A set of specialty turning tools goes a long way toward improving your craftsmanship.

Wood blanks

Woodturning blanks are pieces of wood that are sized at a specific size for a specific product like pens. You can find all sorts of wood online or you can make your own blanks.

Protective equipment

Before you start turning you have to make sure you prioritize safety. You must wear proper protective gear when working with your wood turnings such as safety glasses, a face mask, hearing protection, and an apron.

If a piece of wood decides to jump out then you have to be prepared. A full-face mask will protect you against that so make sure to invest in one. You know that saying better be safe than sorry.

Also Read: Best Face Shield for Woodturning!


Woodturning is a craft that, like many other arts and crafts, can be mastered by self-study. It is easy to learn the basics of turning on a lathe by watching videos or reading instructions online; but then, you must practice before developing the skills to turn out excellent pieces.

There are many different types of woodturning projects to try, so if you are looking for something new to do with your free time, why not give it a go? You will practice and also get a functional object like a bowl or a vase.

How Long Does It Take To Learn Woodturning?

Some people say that it takes at least 200 hours of practice before you can call yourself a skilled woodturner. However, there’s no hard rule about this or any other skill – it depends on the person’s experience and what he/she wants to achieve. In both cases, there’s always room for improvement.

Put in a couple of months of practicing and you will be surprised with the results you will get. Take your time and enjoy the process.

Is It Hard To Learn Woodturning By Yourself?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to learn woodturning all by yourself. The answer may not be as cut and dry as you think. It’s hard to know when you’ve reached a point where you can call yourself a master in the craft.

You can learn the basics from Youtube tutorials and books. In the beginning, you will ruin pieces and tools before getting the result you want but that is ok. You are going to face challenges but you can find the solution for almost anything online. Don’t get discouraged and keep going.

If you get good at it in time you can even consider making this your full-time job or even starting your own shop.

Also Read: Beginners Wood Lathe Speed Guide – Chart + Calculator


So, Can you teach yourself wood turning?

It’s important to not be afraid of making mistakes, but it’s also important to have realistic expectations. With the right preparation and time commitment, anyone can teach themselves woodturning.

No matter what you do in life, there will always be challenges that will present themselves. Sometimes these challenges are worth the risk because they create opportunities for learning.

Woodturning opens up a whole new world of possibilities in the realm of artisan crafts and DIY projects so don’t hesitate to try it out!

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