
ModernWoodTurning is privately owned. We’re an independent reference website, free of influence from the woodturning industry.

The views and opinions expressed in the articles posted here are presented in good faith and are strictly our own. Accordingly, we promise to make every effort to be fair, authentic, accurate and honest. However, comments posted at the end of each article strictly represent the advice, reports and opinions of our readers. Therefore, we cannot ensure the accuracy of or be held responsible for user-generated content.

The articles and reviews presented on this website are purely designed to help you make a more informed decision when buying lathes, tools, and other woodturning accessories on the market.

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Attention Guests and Readers!

The content in every article on this website represents the views and opinions of the author(s). Although we try our best to ensure all the information on our website is accurate, we cannot guarantee its completeness or correctness; nor can we commit to ensure all the material is kept up-to-date on a daily basis. Kindly cross-check the same at your end. 

We also rely on tips from readers. To report a product change or request an update of any review, please contact us via the comment section or write to us at contact@modernwoodturning.com.

Each review is written in good faith, with the aim to help you make a more informed buying decision.

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We do not accept money, gifts, samples or any other incentives from woodturning-related brands in exchange for sponsored reviews or special considerations when writing our reviews.

However, we do receive a referral fee from Amazon when readers click over to their websites from ours. This policy helps support the operation of our blog and keeps access to all our content free to the public.

In any case, please be assured it is always our intention to remain objective, impartial and unbiased when conducting our analysis.

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Any claim, statistics, or other representation about a product or service recommended on this website should be verified with the manufacturer or other sources before you make any purchase.

This blog contains links to other websites. Remember, all external links contain content which cannot be endorsed or controlled by the editors of this site.

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It is nearly impossible for us to keep track of every article on our site and update it on a daily basis. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information you read everywhere on this website.

We welcome your feedback and assistance in updating the information we present. In addition, we promise to correct any errors as we discover them or as they are brought to our attention by you. We look forward to hearing from you on every post on our site!

ModernWoodTurning is not just a site but an open forum. Feel free to challenge us or disagree with us in the Comments section at the end of each post. However, we reserve the right to delete any comment that is abusive in nature, rude, mean-spirited, profane or completely unrelated to the topic of the concerned article/blog.